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Roulette System That Really Works

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At, we like to run experiments and share knowledge about casino games, so today we're going to answer a question from our reader Brian from Sydney. Brian asked us 'What's the most successful roulette strategy?', so we decided to put five popular roulette strategies to the test to find out.

Unlike other casino sites which pump out BS articles with headlines like How to Win Roulette on Every Spin, we want to give you real, accurate answers to your questions about roulette and other casino games. That's why we've provided video evidence showing each roulette system in action. You can see for yourself what the best roulette strategy is rather than taking our word for it.

There are more strategies and systems out there than we could possibly cover in one post, and each of them claims to be the most successful roulette strategy. So, rather than cover every variation under the sun, we've decided to focus on five of the most popular roulette betting strategies, putting them to the test and finding out which gets the best results.

Roulette Systems: Does the Martingale System Actually Work? The desire to make a quick and easy buck will always exist and for some people gambling is the easiest way to attempt it. For all but a committed, highly intelligent and determined few who can make a success of professional gambling, playing casino games or betting on sports should be. Roulette Bot Pro is a powerful automated roulette betting software that lets users create custom betting systems. Using the software's statistical charts of: number history, betting history, and a. Roulette Strategy that Works Mr. Ri Chang, the creator of these two Roulette Strategies, starts off by discussing his Golden Eagle Roulette Strategy, the Roulette strategy that works. The main goal of this strategy is to win any level of player money relatively quickly. Most players understand this strategy after two hours at most.

Progressive strategies are created around the concept of increasing the size of your bet after witnessing the outcome of a round. One of the most famous and widely used roulette strategies – the Martingale system – is a great example of a progressive strategy. Martingale suggests that.

Under each roulette strategy below, we give a brief description of how it works and then put it to the test in the video you see under each section. We've tested these strategies over a number of spins of the wheel, and the results are clear to see in the videos below. These aren't new roulette strategies but are some of the best-known and battle-tested systems out there.

The Martingale Roulette Strategy

One of the advantages of the Martingale roulette system is that it's incredibly easy to understand. In effect, all you need to do is double the size of your previous bet until you win. The theory is that when you eventually do win, you'll win back everything you have lost and the value of your original stake. This system only works on even money bets like red or black.

Let's say you start by betting £5 on red and lose. Using the Martingale system, you double your next bet to £10 on red, for example. If you lose again, you double your next bet to £20, and so on.

Free Roulette Systems That Work

Using the example above, if you won on the £20 bet, you would have won back £40, covering the £15 you had previously lost, plus the £20 stake, and leaving you up £5.

But does the Martingale work as an online roulette strategy? Up to an extent. You can profit from it short-term, but the key is knowing when to get out. If you keep betting, the odds of roulette will catch up with you, or you'll hit a table limit which doesn't allow you to double your previous bet. Here's a clip of the Martingale roulette strategy in action:

Roulette Betting Systems That Work

The Paroli Roulette Strategy


If you're a believer in winning streaks and dry spells, which we've all encountered when playing roulette and other casino games, the Paroli or ‘Reverse Martingale' is likely to appeal to you.

When using the Paroli system in roulette, the idea is to do the exact opposite of what you do when using the Martingale – increase your bets when you win and lower them when you start losing. This way, you take advantage of win streaks when they occur and reduce your risk when lady luck decides to dance with someone else for a while.

Here's an example of the Paroli roulette strategy at work:

You start by betting a smaller amount such a £1 per spin on red or black, even or odd, or high/low numbers. As long as you keep losing, you keep betting £1. When you win, you double the size of your bet to £2. If you win again, you double it again to £4, and so on.

The intelligent readers among you have probably already figured out that this roulette strategy requires perfect timing. If you keep doubling your bet and you lose, you'll wipe out everything you have won and then some. Can you see why this is called the reverse Martingale, yet?

Roulette System That Really Works

To use the Paroli system to win roulette, you'll need to get out after a few wins in a row. Yes, it can cause your bankroll to grow quickly, but it relies on the winning streak lasting, and all experienced players know only too well that lady luck leaves just as fast as she arrives.

While we don't recommend using the Paroli system for anything other than quick bursts when it feels right, we nonetheless wanted to put it to the test anyway. So, here's our video showing the results of using the Paroli strategy to win roulette.

The James Bond Roulette Strategy

The James Bond roulette strategy is among the riskiest of those listed here, but its creator, Ian Fleming, claims that it is 'foolproof'. We'll be putting that claim to the test today.

To use the James Bond strategy, you need to place multiple bets worth £200 on a single spin. The idea is that you cover most of the possibilities, and you come out in profit no matter what happens. Of course, there's always the possibility that the improbable happens and you wipe out.

Bet £140 on the high numbers from 19 to 36, risk £50 on numbers 13 to 18, and stick £10 on the zero for insurance. Note that this is based on a European roulette wheel, where there is only one zero to consider.

You have most of your bases covered here, but keep in mind that if numbers 1-12 come up, you'll lose the lot. But what happens if you win?

If numbers 19 to 36 come up you'll win £80.
If 13-18 show up, you'll be up £100.
If the zero shows, you'll win £160.

So, does the James Bond strategy really work? Let's put it to the test.

The D'Alambert Roulette Strategy

The D'Alambert strategy is considered one of the safe roulette strategies. It involves way less risk than some of the others you see here, but as a result, the potential payouts are lower, too.

Heisenberg Roulette System That Really Works

When using the D'Alambert roulette system, you increase or decrease bets by one unit, rather than doubling them like you would when using the Martingale or Paroli systems.

For example, start by placing a £1 bet on odds or evens. If you lose, increase your bet size by £1. If you lose again, increase it by another £1, for a £3 bet, and so on. This is far less risky than the Martingale and Paroli systems, but when you run the numbers, you'll see that the potential payouts won't cover what you've previously lost like the others. In this example, let's say we win on the fourth bet with a total bet size of £4. We'll win £4, get back our £4 stake, but we'll have lost £6 in the runup to the bet. Therefore, we won't have won.

Once you win, you'll need to start decreasing your bets by £1, taking risk off the table in the knowledge that any win streak can only last so long. Of course, this also reduces the potential profits you can make when win streaks do come along.

The D'Alambert system is for risk-averse players, but we still wanted to give it a try in our hunt for the most successful roulette strategy. The following video shows our results.


The Fibonacci Roulette Strategy

Some winning roulette strategies attempt to conjure up mystique and intrigue by using the names of famous mathematicians, and this is a good example of that. Fibonacci was an Italian mathematician who came up with the now-infamous Fibonacci sequence in which the next number of the sequence is the sum total of the previous two.

The idea behind the Fibonacci roulette strategy is to follow the number system until you get a win, then move back two numbers and continue. You also always place bets on even money bets like Red/Black or Odds/Evens.

For example, let's say you start with a bet of £1 and lose. You'd then bet another £1, and if you lose again, bet £2, and if you lose again, bet £3, then £5, and so on. With the Fibonacci system, the amount you bet is always the sum total of the two previous bets.

The mathematically astute among you will already have realized that this system does not guarantee a win, and the losses can stack up pretty fast after a few bets. Both observations would be true.

So, what's the point and does the Fibonacci strategy work? Check out the following video to see how using it worked for us.

The Most Successful Roulette Strategy Experiment – Our Conclusion

After trying the most popular five roulette strategies for real, our conclusion is as we expected – there's no way to win roulette every time. All of these strategies have flaws and none of them increases your chances of winning roulette mathematically.

When looking for a roulette strategy to win, keep in mind that there are endless numbers of marketers out there who want you to believe that they have the best roulette strategy ever that will allow you to win consistently. We're here to dispel such myths and tell you that it's all gobbledygook – roulette odds don't change because you're using what you think is the most successful roulette strategy, and the house always has an edge no matter what bet you make.

We're not saying you shouldn't play roulette. It's undoubtedly one of the most fun games in the casino and wins can grow dramatically when you go on a lucky streak. However, we are saying that most systems don't improve your odds in the long run, and you shouldn't believe they will actually help you win roulette more often.

So, to answer Brian's question – what's the most successful roulette strategy? None of them! The biggest roulette winners just had some fun and got lucky. The best strategy is to enjoy yourself, have fun, and walk when you're ahead. Nothing will change the fact that online roulette game outcomes are determined by Random Number Generators which can't be manipulated by human beings and fancy roulette systems.

We're sorry if that's not what you want to hear, but we believe in keeping it real. Persist in your quest for the best roulette strategy if you wish, but we're telling you upfront that it's futile.

Before you go, don't forget to claim your roulette no deposit bonus!

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Does a winning roulette system exist? Firstly, it depends on your definition of a winning system. If it's just that the system is capable of winning, this would include any system – including random bets.

But as far as I'm concerned, the only true winning roulette system is one that continues to win, even in the long-term. It's important to understand that anything can happen in the short term. You may have a brilliant system, but make a loss over only ten spins. It doesn't mean the system doesn't work. Likewise, a bad system can win over ten spins, but the results are meaningless.

Almost Every Progression System Wins In The Short Term

A progression system is one that usually increases bet size after losses. The most famous progression system is called the Martingale. Basically after a loss, you double the size of your bet in hopes a win recovers previous losses. A simple example is betting on red. Your initial bet maybe ten units. If you lose, bet twenty units, then forty, and so on. This can continue until the maximum bet is reached, or you run out of funds.

Roulette System That Really Works

The chances are if you play only a few spins, you will profit. But if you continue to play, you will eventually encounter the streak from hell that wipes out your bankroll, including previous winnings.

Most roulette system progressions are not quite as dramatic. But they still usually revolve around the same principle of increasing bets to cover losses. The important thing to keep in mind is each spin is independent. What happened previously on the roulette wheel has no bearing on future spins. The only exception is if there are tangible physical variables that affect the winning number. One example is roulette wheel bias, where there is a physical defect on the wheel causing some numbers to win more frequently.

Roulette wheel bias is very different to hot numbers. Hot numbers are ones that have won more frequently than others in recent spins. They are inevitable and part of normal statistics. A hot number may continue to be hot, or it may turn cold. Which is more likely? Each case is just as likely as the other. And what you are left with is accuracy no better than random bet selection.

6 10 Roulette System

Almost every roulette system based on progression bets will win in the short term. This tricks the player into thinking that their system is 'working'. The fact of the matter is you may have profited, but it has nothing to do with the effectiveness of your system. Most roulette systems will profit for a short time, before making a substantial loss. Many players believe the loss is due to something like the casino manipulating spin results. While it may seem this way initially, the truth is again the short term gains are superficial, and will soon be lost.

This doesn't mean you should only play short-term sessions, then leave after profiting. Consider if one hundred different players applied the same system. Say they all tried the same approach of winning in the short term. Some will win, some will lose. But slightly more players will lose. This slight discrepancy is basically the house edge. The casino doesn't care who wins or loses. They only care that overall they will profit.

Understanding Statistical Relevance and Variance

As above, I explained that anything can happen in the short term. This is basically what statistical variance is. One hundred spins might seem like a lot to a player. After all, this might be two hours of play in the casino. But to a casino, one hundred spins is nothing. It doesn't even begin to touch on the realm of statistical relevance.

The term 'statistical relevance' basically means whether or not the results are likely to accurately reflect long-term results. For example, your results after ten spins tell you nothing about a system's effectiveness. In fact, not even one thousand spins is statistically relevant. Generally the results only begin to become relevant after about ten thousand spins. This is ten thousand spins you actually bet on, excluding any spins you skip due to 'triggers' (like waiting for 10 reds before betting black). So only spins you bet on count.

Furthermore, a positive result over ten thousand spins is still not particularly statistically relevant. So is there a particular amount of spins that is relevant? How long is a piece of string? I really hate that answer, but it makes a point, which is this:

The more spins you play, the closer your results resemble what happens in the long-term. You can win with random bets over one hundred thousand spins. Most the time, you would lose. But sometimes, you will have profited.

Putting this into context, say there were one thousand players, who each bet on one hundred thousand different spins. 99% of them will lose. But 1% will win. The 99% of players feel their system lost, and that they need to move on. But the 1% are fully convinced that their system works. If this 1% played a further one hundred thousand spins, the chances are they will lose. And they may be convinced that the casino somehow cheated.

To be accurate, the chances are fewer than 1% of players will profit (if the system was no better than random bets). But I'm just using the above values as an example.

Roulette Systems That Work 70% Win

Testing at Online Casinos


If you're a believer in winning streaks and dry spells, which we've all encountered when playing roulette and other casino games, the Paroli or ‘Reverse Martingale' is likely to appeal to you.

When using the Paroli system in roulette, the idea is to do the exact opposite of what you do when using the Martingale – increase your bets when you win and lower them when you start losing. This way, you take advantage of win streaks when they occur and reduce your risk when lady luck decides to dance with someone else for a while.

Here's an example of the Paroli roulette strategy at work:

You start by betting a smaller amount such a £1 per spin on red or black, even or odd, or high/low numbers. As long as you keep losing, you keep betting £1. When you win, you double the size of your bet to £2. If you win again, you double it again to £4, and so on.

The intelligent readers among you have probably already figured out that this roulette strategy requires perfect timing. If you keep doubling your bet and you lose, you'll wipe out everything you have won and then some. Can you see why this is called the reverse Martingale, yet?

To use the Paroli system to win roulette, you'll need to get out after a few wins in a row. Yes, it can cause your bankroll to grow quickly, but it relies on the winning streak lasting, and all experienced players know only too well that lady luck leaves just as fast as she arrives.

While we don't recommend using the Paroli system for anything other than quick bursts when it feels right, we nonetheless wanted to put it to the test anyway. So, here's our video showing the results of using the Paroli strategy to win roulette.

The James Bond Roulette Strategy

The James Bond roulette strategy is among the riskiest of those listed here, but its creator, Ian Fleming, claims that it is 'foolproof'. We'll be putting that claim to the test today.

To use the James Bond strategy, you need to place multiple bets worth £200 on a single spin. The idea is that you cover most of the possibilities, and you come out in profit no matter what happens. Of course, there's always the possibility that the improbable happens and you wipe out.

Bet £140 on the high numbers from 19 to 36, risk £50 on numbers 13 to 18, and stick £10 on the zero for insurance. Note that this is based on a European roulette wheel, where there is only one zero to consider.

You have most of your bases covered here, but keep in mind that if numbers 1-12 come up, you'll lose the lot. But what happens if you win?

If numbers 19 to 36 come up you'll win £80.
If 13-18 show up, you'll be up £100.
If the zero shows, you'll win £160.

So, does the James Bond strategy really work? Let's put it to the test.

The D'Alambert Roulette Strategy

The D'Alambert strategy is considered one of the safe roulette strategies. It involves way less risk than some of the others you see here, but as a result, the potential payouts are lower, too.

Heisenberg Roulette System That Really Works

When using the D'Alambert roulette system, you increase or decrease bets by one unit, rather than doubling them like you would when using the Martingale or Paroli systems.

For example, start by placing a £1 bet on odds or evens. If you lose, increase your bet size by £1. If you lose again, increase it by another £1, for a £3 bet, and so on. This is far less risky than the Martingale and Paroli systems, but when you run the numbers, you'll see that the potential payouts won't cover what you've previously lost like the others. In this example, let's say we win on the fourth bet with a total bet size of £4. We'll win £4, get back our £4 stake, but we'll have lost £6 in the runup to the bet. Therefore, we won't have won.

Once you win, you'll need to start decreasing your bets by £1, taking risk off the table in the knowledge that any win streak can only last so long. Of course, this also reduces the potential profits you can make when win streaks do come along.

The D'Alambert system is for risk-averse players, but we still wanted to give it a try in our hunt for the most successful roulette strategy. The following video shows our results.

The Fibonacci Roulette Strategy

Some winning roulette strategies attempt to conjure up mystique and intrigue by using the names of famous mathematicians, and this is a good example of that. Fibonacci was an Italian mathematician who came up with the now-infamous Fibonacci sequence in which the next number of the sequence is the sum total of the previous two.

The idea behind the Fibonacci roulette strategy is to follow the number system until you get a win, then move back two numbers and continue. You also always place bets on even money bets like Red/Black or Odds/Evens.

For example, let's say you start with a bet of £1 and lose. You'd then bet another £1, and if you lose again, bet £2, and if you lose again, bet £3, then £5, and so on. With the Fibonacci system, the amount you bet is always the sum total of the two previous bets.

The mathematically astute among you will already have realized that this system does not guarantee a win, and the losses can stack up pretty fast after a few bets. Both observations would be true.

So, what's the point and does the Fibonacci strategy work? Check out the following video to see how using it worked for us.

The Most Successful Roulette Strategy Experiment – Our Conclusion

After trying the most popular five roulette strategies for real, our conclusion is as we expected – there's no way to win roulette every time. All of these strategies have flaws and none of them increases your chances of winning roulette mathematically.

When looking for a roulette strategy to win, keep in mind that there are endless numbers of marketers out there who want you to believe that they have the best roulette strategy ever that will allow you to win consistently. We're here to dispel such myths and tell you that it's all gobbledygook – roulette odds don't change because you're using what you think is the most successful roulette strategy, and the house always has an edge no matter what bet you make.

We're not saying you shouldn't play roulette. It's undoubtedly one of the most fun games in the casino and wins can grow dramatically when you go on a lucky streak. However, we are saying that most systems don't improve your odds in the long run, and you shouldn't believe they will actually help you win roulette more often.

So, to answer Brian's question – what's the most successful roulette strategy? None of them! The biggest roulette winners just had some fun and got lucky. The best strategy is to enjoy yourself, have fun, and walk when you're ahead. Nothing will change the fact that online roulette game outcomes are determined by Random Number Generators which can't be manipulated by human beings and fancy roulette systems.

We're sorry if that's not what you want to hear, but we believe in keeping it real. Persist in your quest for the best roulette strategy if you wish, but we're telling you upfront that it's futile.

Before you go, don't forget to claim your roulette no deposit bonus!

Related posts:

Does a winning roulette system exist? Firstly, it depends on your definition of a winning system. If it's just that the system is capable of winning, this would include any system – including random bets.

But as far as I'm concerned, the only true winning roulette system is one that continues to win, even in the long-term. It's important to understand that anything can happen in the short term. You may have a brilliant system, but make a loss over only ten spins. It doesn't mean the system doesn't work. Likewise, a bad system can win over ten spins, but the results are meaningless.

Almost Every Progression System Wins In The Short Term

A progression system is one that usually increases bet size after losses. The most famous progression system is called the Martingale. Basically after a loss, you double the size of your bet in hopes a win recovers previous losses. A simple example is betting on red. Your initial bet maybe ten units. If you lose, bet twenty units, then forty, and so on. This can continue until the maximum bet is reached, or you run out of funds.

The chances are if you play only a few spins, you will profit. But if you continue to play, you will eventually encounter the streak from hell that wipes out your bankroll, including previous winnings.

Most roulette system progressions are not quite as dramatic. But they still usually revolve around the same principle of increasing bets to cover losses. The important thing to keep in mind is each spin is independent. What happened previously on the roulette wheel has no bearing on future spins. The only exception is if there are tangible physical variables that affect the winning number. One example is roulette wheel bias, where there is a physical defect on the wheel causing some numbers to win more frequently.

Roulette wheel bias is very different to hot numbers. Hot numbers are ones that have won more frequently than others in recent spins. They are inevitable and part of normal statistics. A hot number may continue to be hot, or it may turn cold. Which is more likely? Each case is just as likely as the other. And what you are left with is accuracy no better than random bet selection.

6 10 Roulette System

Almost every roulette system based on progression bets will win in the short term. This tricks the player into thinking that their system is 'working'. The fact of the matter is you may have profited, but it has nothing to do with the effectiveness of your system. Most roulette systems will profit for a short time, before making a substantial loss. Many players believe the loss is due to something like the casino manipulating spin results. While it may seem this way initially, the truth is again the short term gains are superficial, and will soon be lost.

This doesn't mean you should only play short-term sessions, then leave after profiting. Consider if one hundred different players applied the same system. Say they all tried the same approach of winning in the short term. Some will win, some will lose. But slightly more players will lose. This slight discrepancy is basically the house edge. The casino doesn't care who wins or loses. They only care that overall they will profit.

Understanding Statistical Relevance and Variance

As above, I explained that anything can happen in the short term. This is basically what statistical variance is. One hundred spins might seem like a lot to a player. After all, this might be two hours of play in the casino. But to a casino, one hundred spins is nothing. It doesn't even begin to touch on the realm of statistical relevance.

The term 'statistical relevance' basically means whether or not the results are likely to accurately reflect long-term results. For example, your results after ten spins tell you nothing about a system's effectiveness. In fact, not even one thousand spins is statistically relevant. Generally the results only begin to become relevant after about ten thousand spins. This is ten thousand spins you actually bet on, excluding any spins you skip due to 'triggers' (like waiting for 10 reds before betting black). So only spins you bet on count.

Furthermore, a positive result over ten thousand spins is still not particularly statistically relevant. So is there a particular amount of spins that is relevant? How long is a piece of string? I really hate that answer, but it makes a point, which is this:

The more spins you play, the closer your results resemble what happens in the long-term. You can win with random bets over one hundred thousand spins. Most the time, you would lose. But sometimes, you will have profited.

Putting this into context, say there were one thousand players, who each bet on one hundred thousand different spins. 99% of them will lose. But 1% will win. The 99% of players feel their system lost, and that they need to move on. But the 1% are fully convinced that their system works. If this 1% played a further one hundred thousand spins, the chances are they will lose. And they may be convinced that the casino somehow cheated.

To be accurate, the chances are fewer than 1% of players will profit (if the system was no better than random bets). But I'm just using the above values as an example.

Roulette Systems That Work 70% Win

Testing at Online Casinos

The Internet is full of online casinos, and it's hard to know which are honest. Obviously you would not want to pay a new casino in Bitcoin, because the casino might not even have any games, then just run off with your money. Financial institutions have an obligation to process funds only for reputable organisations. It isn't always the case, but a good start is searching for online casinos that accept PayPal.

The USA is particularly strict with online gambling regulations. So you could take your search further to find roulette PayPal casino USA and related terms. But this alone is not sufficient in determining whether or not a casino is honest. Separate articles on our website have covered this extensively. Basically you must ensure that the casino is properly licensed, and audited to ensure fair games. It is also important to extensively research, to determine if the casino regularly refuses payouts. Payout refusal is a big problem with online casinos. If you win big, you obviously want to keep it. So carefully research a casino's reputation before depositing funds.

It is also very important to never test your roulette system at an online casino. Firstly, you don't know if the system works until you have thoroughly tested it. So it makes sense to not test with real money. Secondly, if the casino has a play-for-fun mode, how can you trust it? Numerous blatantly dishonest online casinos have rigged such games to ensure you win. No real money is involved. It is just a dirty trick used by some casinos to make you think your system works, and you should start betting real money. Of course when you start betting for real, you lose.

Best Free Roulette System

Many system players do not understand you must only test on spins you know are independent and unbiased. But even then, some random number generators can be seriously flawed. This therefore gives you an unrealistic assessment of the effectiveness of your system.

To get the best free roulette systems that really work, see the top 5 proven roulette systems and the video series below. It's the best 100% free information for winning roulette you'll find. It's written by professionals who are really earning a living from roulette.

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